Staff Nurse

Are you a Staff Nurse interested in gerontological and convalescence care? If so, we would love to hear from you. (Navan Road , Dublin 7) The Staff Nurse will assess, plan, implement and evaluate care to the highest professional and ethical standards within the model of nursing care practiced in the relevant care setting. The Staff Nurse will provide holistic, person centered care, promoting optimum independence and enhancing the quality of life for residents. Curam Care Homes promotes interdisciplinary working and you will have the opportunity to work closely with professional colleagues to provide a range of specialist care services including care of the older person, people with Dementia/Alzheimer's and step-down care, convalescence care services.RequirementsCurrently registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) or eligible to be so registered.Consideration will be given to newly qualified/graduate nurses.Demonstrated experience in gerontological and/or dementia care is advantageous.What to Expect At Curam Care Homes we are committed to providing and maintaining the highest standard of person centered care and services by offering competitive benefits, encouraging life - work balance and fostering career progression opportunities for all employees. . BenefitsCompetitive rate of payBi-weekly payrollPaid breaksPremiums paid on Sundays and Public HolidaysComplementary meals provided on long day shiftsReferral bonusDiscounted uniformsCycle to work scheme with a repayment planFree Car ParkingPension SchemeDeath in Service benefitsPharmacy DiscountCommitted to providing and maintaining the highest standard of serviceThe above list of benefits is not exhaustive. For all informal inquires or to request a copy of the full job description please email to the urgency of this vacancy, we are unable to offer sponsorship at this time.

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