Our Mission Statement: Embracing Ability, Enriching LivesOur Vision: Empowered Individuals, Enhanced Supports, Engaged StakeholdersOur Values: Rights, Respect, Care, Community, Trust___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Job Details:-We are thrilled to present an exciting opportunity for experienced, motivated, organised, and dedicated Staff Nurses to join our team at St. Aidan's Services. As a Staff Nurse, you will play a crucial role in enabling the individuals we support to lead full and meaningful lives within their community.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Key Responsibilities:Support the Residential Manager/Person in Charge in the effective running of the respite/residential service.Deliver the highest standards of nursing care tailored to individual needs.Facilitate and implement a person-centered approach, respecting individual wishes and goals.Promote a Human Rights-Based Approach, ensuring active involvement in decision-making processes.Treat individuals with dignity and respect in all areas of care and support.Actively seek new interests and opportunities for community engagement.Ensure the overall health and wellbeing of the individuals we support.Assist in skills development and confidence building.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Qualifications & Experience:Current registration with the Nursing & Midwifery Council of Ireland: RNID, RPN, RGN.Post-qualification experience working with adults with intellectual disabilities.Proficient in the English language both oral and written.Have the legal right to work in Ireland and currently hold valid work authorisation for IrelandAvailability to work over a seven-day period, including days, nights, and weekends.Full driving license and willingness to drive company vehicles.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Skills & Attributes:Strong interpersonal, communication, and organisational skills.Proficiency in record-keeping and report writing.Ability to ensure the implementation of policies and procedures.Flexible approach to service provision.Excellent standard of English, both written and oral.Computer literate.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Benefits:St. Aidan's Services offers a comprehensive benefits package, including:Excellent pay rates with premium pay for Sundays, Public Holidays, and waking night shifts.Free Garda Vetting.Comprehensive induction training and ongoing in-house professional development.26 days annual leave (pro-rata).Defined contribution pension scheme.Sick leave paymentOpportunities for career progression.Employee discounts in St. Aidan's Garden Centre. Please note that this list is non-exhaustive and subject to eligibility/conditions.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Recruitment Process:Selection will involve short-listing of applicants for interviews based on the information provided on the application form/CV.A panel may be formed from this campaign to fill further vacancies.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________St. Aidan's Services is an Equal Opportunities Employer___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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