Speech and Language Therapist- Sub Acute Facility - Dublin

Join Our Team as a Full-Time Speech and Language Therapist at CareChoice Sub-Acute Facility! Are you a dedicated and passionate Speech and Language Therapist seeking an exciting opportunity to make a meaningful impact? Look no further! We are thrilled to announce the opening of our state-of-the-art sub-acute facility at CareChoice Parnell Road, and we're inviting applications for Full-Time Speech and Language Therapist positions to join our dynamic team.Why Choose CareChoice?At CareChoice, we are committed to revolutionizing the healthcare experience. With a legacy of over two decades in the Nursing Homes Sector, we are embarking on a journey to become the most trusted and respected Nursing Home brand in Ireland. Our new sub-acute facility at Parnell Road is a testament to our dedication to innovation, quality care, and professional growth. Key Responsibilities ·        Be responsible for assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation of treatment/intervention programmes for service users according to professional standards.·        Communicate results of assessments and recommendations to the service user and relevant others as appropriate. ·        Document all assessment, diagnosis, treatment/intervention plans, clinical notes, relevant contacts and summaries in accordance with department and professional standards.  ·        Collaborate with service user, family, carers and other staff in goal setting and treatment/intervention planning.·        Foster close working relationships with colleagues and other relevant professionals in maximising the service users’ potential.·        Provide support and information in relation to communication and / or feeding, eating, drinking and swallowing disorders etc. to service users and relevant others.·        Attend clinics and participate in meetings, case conferences, unit rounds etc.·        Participate in teams; communicating and working in collaboration with the service user and relevant others as part of an integrated package of care.·        Represent the department/profession / team at meetings and conferences as designated.·        Actively engage in team based performance management. ·        Maintain professional standards in relation to confidentiality, ethics and legislation.·        Operate within the scope of Speech and Language Therapy practice as per CORU requirements and in accordance with local guidelines. The ideal candidate will:·        Be registered as a Speech and Language Therapist by the Speech & Language Therapists Registration Board at CORU ·        Demonstrate sufficient clinical knowledge, clinical reasoning skills and evidence-based practice to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the role. ·        Demonstrate an appropriate level of understanding of the Speech and Language Therapy process, the underpinning theory and its application to the role.Within practice, demonstrates sound clinical and professional judgement consistent with accepted models of Speech and Language Therapy practice. * The above is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved and consequently, the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time and to contribute to the development of the post while in office. This Role Profile will be subject to review in the light of changing circumstances.What we offer:Competitive rates of payA rewarding working environment, with support from supervisors and managersTraining & Development opportunitiesComprehensive induction trainingFree parking onsiteEmployee Assistance Programme, which offers advice and counselling services, for staff and their immediate familiesRefer a friend bonus

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