
Pilgrims' Friend Society Speculative AdvertStruggling to find a role on our website which suits you at the moment? Don't panic! We are always keen to receive applications from passionate candidates who are passionate in working with us. Please send in your CV and we will be in touch!Pilgrims’ Friend Society provides residential care homes and independent living housing schemes where older people can live fulfilled lives in their later years. We have care homes and independent housing scattered all over the UK!Rooted in the Christian faith, we are committed to ensuring that the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental needs of each of our family members are met. Our family members are Christians or are sympathetic to the Christian faith.Have a watch here of ‘What it means to work in a Christian Care Home ’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYOIke2eXrYWatch our video 'The Way We Care at Pilgrims' Friend SocietySome of our benefits include:Training & developmentCareer development: Whether you are starting your career or looking to expand your skills.Paid DBS checksBeing part of our friendly and committed staff teamOngoing support from managementFlexible working: various working hoursTeam eventsPension schemeCare Friends referral MedicashPerkbox – including an Employee assistance programme.Long-standing service rewardsBirthday rewardsRecommend a Friend Scheme — What our staff say about us: …“It is a friendly and welcoming place to work” … —Pilgrims’ Friend Society is a registered charity. Our Christian ethos is central to everything we plan and do. We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds.

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