Specification Sales Manager

Specification Sales Manager-Access 360We are seeking a Specification Sales Manager to join Access 360 and generate a strong pipeline of pre quotation project opportunities and maintain customer relationships.What you'll be doing:Develop, agree, and deliver a structured specifier contact plan including a comprehensive CPD programmeDirect delivery of CPD presentations and project specification pipeline in line with agreed specifier contact planningDevelop and deliver a comprehensive sales plan that targets profitable growth from specification, project and customer leads, relationships and quotationsConstantly use sales tools to monitor performance and develop contingency plans where appropriate to ensure targets are metOwn and facilitate the consistent updating of a project pipeline enough to deliver the sales targetsDevelop, agree and deliver a structured customer contact planEngage proactively with all resources including internal sales, technical estimation, market information, social media including LinkedIn and networking to drive a pipeline of opportunityDirect customer relationship management for assigned brand and where and if appropriate Access 360 customersSupport the business where required to deliver specific sales campaigns, new product launches and sales forecasting as requiredDiscuss and agree promotional strategy and activities with the marketing departmentLiaise with the sales, technical, finance, warehousing and logistics departments as appropriateWhat we’re looking for:Strong interpersonal communication skillsProven experience within Sales/Business Development roleRelevant Industry experienceCommitment to external and internal customer satisfactionProduct knowledgeAttention to detailAnalytical abilitiesMicrosoft Packages – Word, Excel and OutlookIT packagesComfortable with overcoming objectionsSkilled in finding multiple routes to the source of informationAbout usHere at Tyman UK and Ireland, our purpose is to transform the security, comfort, and sustainability of living and working spaces through our expert touch. Tyman UK and Ireland is one of three divisions within the Tyman Group which has over 4000 employees globally and facilities in 17 countries.The Access 360 portfolio within Tyman provides a total manufacturing solution for roof, ceiling, wall and floor access products to the construction industry.We believe the employment relationship is two-way, so from us you can expect a professional and safe working environment where teamwork is paramount. We are really looking for someone who is currently operating at this level in a similar role, however, linked to our value of ‘never stop growing’ we are open to individuals who may be looking for their next career opportunity.

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