Spar Assistant Manager

Junction 14 is now seeking to recruit a Full-time Spar Assistant Manager.The ideal candidate will have a passion and ambition to be the best in the industry through service, product knowledge and choice. They will be innovative with strong leadership skills.If you have the ability to operate at the highest level and want a new challenge, then we want to hear from you.Employee Benefits:·         60% Staff Discount·         Employee Rewards Scheme·         Peer Awards Scheme·         Employee Referral Scheme·         Free On-site staff parking·         Excellent Career Progression Opportunities·         Bike to Work Scheme Key Areas of Responsibilities:Assisting with the management of the day to day commercial operations of the shop.Assisting in the management of controllable costs, sales, customer flow, store standards, availability and ultimately providing excellent customer service.To ensure that margins are maintained as agreed with management and reach targets for the Spar department.To motivate, coach and mentor your team daily encouraging consistent performance and growth.To liaise with the Spar Manager and site management regarding issues on the site and department.To prepare and organise stock takes on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis and to liaise closely with the account department during the process.To ensure that the Spar shop is always merchandised to its fullest potential whilst ensuring that customer’s access is not restricted with correct SEL’s in place and planograms followed.Perform any other functions that may be required by management from time to time The successful candidate will have:Commercial, operational and process driven outlookExcellent interpersonal skills and a desire to stand out in customer service.Experience as an Assistant Manager or a Supervisor in a busy retail convenience store setting.Flexibility in covering a range of working hours.Previous relevant experience in product knowledge and trend awareness to generate sales.Experience in staff management, building teams and motivating teams to achieve sales.Strong background in retail and in particular off-licence and alcohol salesPrevious experience working within the convenience sectorPeople management experienceTeam developmentBackground in financials including stocktaking, margins, and overheads.Experience in fresh foods and coffee.***We do not require assistance from Recruitment Agencies at the moment***

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