Spa Therapist - The Wells Spa (Full Time or Part Time)

The Wells Spa in The BrookLodge Hotel are looking for talented spa therapists with a passion and commitment for wellness to join our growing team. This adult only, destination Spa features 14 individual Treatment Rooms as well as a Hammam Massage room, Wet Flotation Room, Dry Flotation Room, Serail Mud Chamber, Aroma Steam Room, Sauna Room, Jacuzzi and a stunning indoor to outdoor swimming pool together with an outdoor Hot Tub just beside Ballycreen Brook in Macreddin Village. Benefits: As a senior qualified full time therapist in The Wells Spa you could earn up to circa €36k per annum which includes our bonus scheme. You will also receive commission on each retail product sold. As with all Crew Members of BrookLodge & Macreddin Village you can avail of Crew discounts around Macreddin Village. Working in The Wells Spa, gives you the opportunity to work with a high performing team and you will be able to learn and develop your skills further. The Wells Spa will provide full In-house training on all treatments, guest service, sales skills and product knowledge on our unique body and skincare range including: VOYA, ILA and FLOURISH.What’s expected: As an ambassador of our spa, you will create unforgettable experiences for our guests. You will help advise our guests of the most appropriate treatments and provide exceptional face and body treatments as per The Wells Spa standards with organic and results driven body and skincare products. You will be responsible for providing outstanding guest service, upselling treatments, retail sales and maintaining high cleaning and hygiene standards.You must be fully qualified with experience in a similar role and have qualifications in both face and body to CIDESCO, CIBTAC or ITEC level.Get in touch: If you are a therapist looking to further your career or starting out on a new journey, then we’d love to hear from you. Email or call 0402-36444.  

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