Spa Therapist - The Brehon Hotel & Spa

Anú Spa at The Brehon is pleased to invite applications from Graduate Spa and / or Beauty Therapists to join our friendly and professional team. We will provide full training and mentoring support to candidates who have completed their ITEC / CIBTAC / CIDESCO qualifications.Description:To provide all spa treatments to our clients to the highest of standards Demonstrate 5 star customer service to ensure all our guests leave feeling pampered, having received a memorable spa experience.To liaise with Spa therapists with regard to guest requests or problems.Set up and close down the spa as per hotel guidelinesEnsure treatment rooms are turned around quickly with the appropriate amenities and presentation.Removal of dirty linen from the spa without disturbing the client experience, delivering it to the relevant housekeeping area.Maintain the cleanliness and adequate stocking of the therapist preparation areas.Requirements: Minimum 1-year experience as a Spa therapist, ideally in the Hospitality industry.ITEC or equivalent qualifications are essentialPositive working attitude..Hands-on experience in face and body therapies.Excellent communication and customer service skills.Experience in sales will be considered an asset.Fluent in English is essential.Legal right to work in Ireland.What can we offer you:A welcoming & supportive team environmentOpportunities for professional development & growthHot meals provided on dutyEmployee of the month awardsFriends & Family RatesEmployee Assistance ProgrammeFree car parking on siteFlexible schedule

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