Spa Therapist Part time

Cliff at Lyons, in the beautiful Kildare countryside, is a complete destination featuring stunning accommodation, a Spa and Wellness centre, all situated around our food outlets. We are driven by a desire to create wonderful food, and wonderful experiences, inspired by the gardens and grounds of the estate, and the wonderful seasonal produce of Ireland. As part of our ongoing pursuit of excellence, we are currently looking for Spa Therapist to join the team at Cliff at Lyons on a flexible contract. If this role interests you then please do get in touch… Primary DutiesPerform a variety of spa treatments including massages, facials, body wraps, manicures, pedicures and other therapeutic services (We are also interested to meet with specialist facial or body therapists ).Ensuring that each guest receives exceptional treatment and client care to make it a memorable Spa experience.Ability to take a proactive approach to understanding guests needs and desiresAcknowledging and responding to guests' needs in order to enhance the quality of service and exceed clients' expectations.Ensuring treatment rooms are clean and hygienic at all times following health and safety regulations.Comply with all health & safety requirementsMaintain a sound knowledge of all treatments, packages and any promotionsResponsibilities:Greet clients - provide them with a warm welcome and 5 star spa experienceConduct consultations with clients to determine their specific needs and preferencesMaintain detailed records of client treatments and preferencesEducate clients on proper skincare and wellness practicesPromote and sell spa services and products to clientsMaintain a professional appearance and demeanour at all timesParticipate in ongoing training and education to improve skills and knowledgeThe qualifications and Skills that we require candidates to have:Previous experience 1-2 years desirableInternationally recognized beauty qualification (ITEC, CIBTAC, CIDESCO or equivalent)Experience in Swedish massage and other types of massageExperience in facialsA warm and caring personalityWilling to work as part of a teamMotivated and able to work on your own initiativHave a true love and passion for what you do as a Spa professionalPunctual, self-organized and having own initiativeFluent English and flexible with hours ( No late nights required)Benefits of working at Cliff at Lyons Hotel:A competitive salary package for qualified candidates.We provide excellent learning and development opportunitiesSpecific Incentive for SPA TherapistDiscounted rates for Cliff at Lyons and Cliff House HotelStaff discountFree parking on siteMeals provided on dutyFlexible working hoursExcellent working environment focused on team appreciation Did you know?The hotel is not serviced by public transport, so applicants must be able to drive.

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