Spa Therapist

Spa Therapist:The Ciuin Spa is currently recruiting an experienced therapist to join our wonderful team;The award-winning spa offers a wide variety of exclusive treatments for men and women, as well as offering state-of-the-art Hydrotherapy facilities and the latest in online booking technology.The successful candidate will be working with GAIA an award-winning brand and will be joining one of the only Spas in Ireland using this amazing brand.Requirements:Therapists must have a passion for the Spa Industry, deliver a very high standard of treatment and customer service in line with standards expected in our four star hotel.The successful candidate will be fully qualified in facial, body and beauty treatments, with at least 12 months’ experience working in a busy spa or salon.Full training will be provided.In return we offer:·        Very competitive financial rewards package with weekly commission paid on treatments and retail sales·        Rolling rotas, so you know what days you’re working and what days you’re off.·        Alternate Sundays off.·        An opportunity to join a dynamic team and to further your career.·        First Class training in world-renowned and award-winning product ranges.Recent Awards -      Certified Great place to work-      Investors in Diversity Award -      Employer Excellence Certified Failte Ireland-      Awarded Distinction in Human Resource & People Management-      Award winning five star gold EFQM (European Foundation Quality Management) award-      Quality Employer Awarded-      Gold Awarded for our Environmental Sustainability Gold awarded by 50 Shades Greener Employee Benefits, Perks & Career Opportunities working with us -      Staff Accommodation provided-      Free use of Gym & Leisure Centre-      Free nutritious meals provided-      Full training provided including free English Language classes-      Training Academy suite of over 60 training & development modules -      Career Progression-including opportunities to gain recognise QQ1 LEVEL 6 third level qualifications -      Graduate, Trainee Management & Apprenticeship programs-      Active Employee Health and Wellbeing providing supports on Financial, Career, health & wellbeing -      Employee Assistance Programme provided including 24 hr confidential support -      Company Pension Scheme-      Company Sick Pay Scheme-      Company Enhanced Maternity Scheme-      Discounted motor & home insurance -      Discounted health Insurance-      Discounts employee rates for Weddings, Restaurants, Spa and Golf-      Discounted Hotel room rates and friends and family rates-      Rewards & Recognition Schemes-      Christmas Savings Scheme-      Bike to work scheme-      Free car parking-      Active Employee Social Club-      Competitive salary and incentives providedIf you meet the above criteria and are ready to embark on an exciting career, please submit your CV to the Human Resources Department; Email: or Tel: 049 9525130

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