Spa Therapist

Join us in this exciting new chapter of our Spa journeyThere has never been a more exciting time to begin your career with us. The Spa has recently rebranded its treatment menu to embrace its holistic flair by offering unique hand-crafted treatments inspired by natural wellness techniques from all over the world.We want to meet people with a passion for wellbeing, customer service, and going the extra mile for both our guests and colleagues. In doing so, we offer a workplace that puts nature and wellness at the forefront of everything that we do, while offering continuous and in-depth training.We are currently recruiting a Spa Therapist to join the Spa & Wellness team at Dunboyne Castle Hotel.What will you be doing?All our team pride themselves in offering exceptional guest service to ensure we always go above our service standards. Your role with us will include:To assist fellow employees to perform similar or related jobs as and when necessary.Be fully qualified in beauty and massage treatments (ITEC, CIDESCO, CIBTAC).To ensure guest satisfaction by performing by attending to their requests and enquiries courteously and efficiently. You will be flexible regarding work hours & days which are necessary for the maintenance of uninterrupted service to Hotel Guests and Patrons.Present a professional appearance and ensure all guests receive a genuine courteous welcome on arrival/ departure.Conduct our range of Therapy Treatments to the highest standard in line with company standards.To anticipate guests needs whenever possible in order to enhance quality of service and exceed clients expectations.Represent The Spa’s passion for customer service, proactively ensuring each guest has the memorable experience expected.What have you done before?Notwithstanding your positivity and ambition for hospitality, we ideally would ideally like you to have some experience for your role as outlined below:Previous experience in a Spa Therapist role in a four-star propertyHigh attention to detailAbility to work as part of a team or on your own initiativeWhy should you join our team?We offer the below to all our team members.A welcoming and supportive team environmentOpportunities for developmentStaff discountsComplimentary car-parkingComplimentary meal on dutyIf you are interested in further developing your knowledge and experience in the industry, please apply online.

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