Spa Therapist

The Serenity Spa which is an award winning spa, is located in The Rose Hotel, Tralee, Co Kerry. The Spa has 3 treatment rooms, relaxation room, heat experiences together with a manicure/pedicure area.We are currently recruiting for a qualified Spa Therapist to include face/body and beauty treatments.Main duties:To carry out all treatments as per Elemis standard To ensure that all treatment rooms and Relaxation room are set up as per our standardTo ensure that all bookings are taken efficiently, with emphasis on upselling treatments wherever possibleTo ensure that a full and thorough consultation is carried out with each guest To ensure that retail products are promoted after all treatments To ensure that the highest standards of hygiene are maintained in all areas of the SpaTo ensure that the highest standards of hygiene are met in the Ladies & GentsTo ensure that the highest standards of hygiene are met in the Thermal Suite To ensure you clean and stock correctlyTo work as part of a teamTo carry out reception duties when rostered to do so.To attend training both in house and remotelyTo ensure all guests receive a genuine, warm, friendly, courteous welcome on arrival and during their visit at every opportunityTo ensure we always offer guests consistently high standards of quality through training and monitoringTo ensure that all guests requests are handed efficiently and promptlyQualificationsITEC or CIBTAC qualified or equivalentElemis training desirablePrevious experience in a busy hotel spa desirableMust have a fluent level of EnglishWorking weekends and public holidaysBenefitsThis can either be a full time role, working 5 days with 2 days off or a part time role of 3 days (which you would need to be flexible with)Provided with uniformProvided with meal on dutyAccess to hotel gym at designated timesFree car parkingCareer progressionTraining in Elemis productOpen all year round

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