Spa Therapist - Athlone | Part Time

GSW Solutions are recruiting for a Spa Therapist in the Athlone area. We are seeking an individual on a part time basis.The ideal candidate:Minimum 2 years experience in the working environment.Must have Beauty Therapy Qualification (CIDESCO ITEC CIBTEC) accreditation.Must be experience in massage treatments alongside, facials, manicures and pedicures.Efficient communication skills Experience working in IrelandAbility to use their own initiativeThe duties:As a Spa Therapist, you will provide exceptional spa treatments to guests, ensuring adherence to established protocols and product standards. Your focus will be on delivering a luxurious, personalized experience that exceeds guest expectations.You will maintain clean and hygienic treatment areas while always following health and safety regulations. By tracking spa product usage and minimizing waste, you will contribute to the overall efficiency of the spa. You will also promote rebooking opportunities and offer expert aftercare advice to elevate the guest experience.Continuously advancing your skills through training and staying updated on industry trends will be key to your success in this role.An attractive salary & flexible hours are available to the right candidate.

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