Spa Therapist

We bring our guests on a journey, now let us take you on a journey and join our team!Named after the sacred spring at St Declan’s Well, just a short walk from our hotel, our therapies and custom spa products are inspired by nature to nourish the body and transform the skin.Designed by award-winning spa consultants, every product used in our treatments is made from a blend of 100% natural ingredients and includes unique elements such as Irish peat, carrageen moss and seaweed.Requirements:· Works well as part of a team· Flexibility required with shiftsKey Duties & Responsibilities:· Beauty and Body treatments as per guest needs· Dealing with guest queries· Cover the Well reception duties when requiredSkills:· Be dynamic and take pride in their appearance· Trained reflexology and/or Holistic therapies would be desirable but not essential· Good communication skills

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