Spa Therapist

At The K Club, we are currently seeking an experienced Spa Therapist to join our wonderful team at The K Spa.A UNIQUE RESORTThe K Club is a truly captivating leisure destination tucked away in lush Irish countryside – yet on Dublin’s doorstep. We are a unique resort, a renowned place of celebration, with a spirited history that spans hundreds of years. We’re a 5 star destination which prides itself on having an incredible 5 star team to match. Across our 550 acre estate, we offer a tremendous variety of career opportunities for those who are looking to become part of team that strives to help one another shine. The K Club is an industry trailblazer. We welcome innovative thinking, bold ideas and insights garnered from your own experience. We’re certified as a Great Place to Work by our very own employees. That’s because our hardworking team members feel listened to, encouraged and appreciated. If this sounds like the place where you could begin the next exciting chapter in your career, let’s talk.Here’s how you’ll bring the K Club’s trailblazing vision to life:  To deliver the highest level of consistent Spa Therapy at all timesTo have experience in body and facial work To ensure an excellent standard of customer care, service and professionalism are achieved at all timesTo be instrumental in the promotion and selling of Spa treatments leading to bookings and repeat bookingsTo ensure the safety and comfort of your guest at all times while in your care and around all areas of the spaTo assist in any other duties as required  This is how we see you:Flexible in your working hours and understanding that this role requires weekend work.Qualified to QQI Level 5&6, ITEC, CIBTAC, CIDESCO or equivalentPrevious experience as a Spa Therapist or a recent graduate looking to gain invaluable experienceSomeone with excellent customer service skills What's on offer?The K Club is certified as a Great Place to WorkStaff transport to and from work outside public transport hours within the local areaOngoing investment in your personal development with access to internal and external training programmesFantastic opportunities to progress your careerMonthly recognition programmeEmployee Assistance ProgrammeSocial eventsUniform Meals while on dutyDiscounts on stays at the resort and on Food & Beverage for you and your family and friendsLife AssuranceData RetentionPlease note that all applications and CV's submitted for a role at The K Club will be kept on file for a period of 12 months.Should you not wish for your data to be held following the closure of the application process then we would ask that you please make note of this when submitting your application.Kind regards,The Human Resources TeamThe K Club

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