Spa Receptionist

Anú Spa at The Brehon is pleased to invite applicants to join our friendly and professional team. If you have a passion for customer service, are enthusiastic and have great organisational & communication skills - we are a perfect place for you to develop and to progress your career!The main duties will include:Meet, greet & register our Residential & Day Spa guestsProcess Spa reservationsProvide explanation of the vitality suite facilities and details of the treatments available to guests.Responsible for daily cleaning duties and checklistsResponsible for Pool & Plant room inspections to monitor PH levelsCashiering responsibilitiesProviding tours of the Spa facilityLight administrative and clerical duties.Sell spa availability to achieve maximum occupancy.The ideal Candidate:Strong written and spoken EnglishStrong organisation skillsGood interpersonal skillsKnowledge of computer & software skillsBe legally eligible to work in IrelandHave strong attention to detailHave a friendly, bubbly and flexible attitudeBenefits:Opportunities for Professional Development & GrowthHot meal, tea & coffee available on dutyOutstanding Performance AwardsEmployee Recognition SchemeEmployee Assistance ProgrammeFree parking on siteFriends & Family RatesFlexible ScheduleIf this is the role for you, please contact us.

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