Spa & Massage Therapist

The Heritage offers a sophisticated elegance with impeccable hospitality set in the wonderful Laois countryside comprising of a luxury world class Hotel and European Award-Winning Spa.We are currently recruiting a Spa Therapist to join our existing team.The ideal candidate will work with a team of professionals and will be responsible for:Carrying out Spa treatments.Ensuring that each guest receives a memorable Spa experience from start to finish.Impeccable Spa product knowledge and the ability to upsell at every available opportunity.Ensuring treatment rooms are hygienically clean at all times.Maintaining Spa standards at all times.Carrying out Reception and Spa Experience Duties as required.Candidates need to meet the following criteria:Have an ITEC, CIBTAC, CIDESCO qualification.Spa experienceMust be guest focused and with excellent communication skills.Must present a professional image at all times.Must be well organised.Our standards are high, training will be provided upon commencement.Due to nature of our business, flexibility is required.The Heritage ‘Core Values’Our Core Values are the essence of what we stand for as a company and it is our vision to instill a people focused culture within the hotel. These 5 core values give The Heritage a framework for leadership and set the foundations for our employees to grow and prosper in their roles with usThink about the guestBe RespectfulWork as oneBe the BestOwn it and deliver it Why work for The Heritage, part of FBD HotelsDiscounted rates in other FBD propertiesHealth Club membershipRefer a Friend incentivesLearning and development opportunitiesOpportunities for career progressionEmployee Assistance ProgrammeStrong team focus and team atmosphereMeals and uniform are providedFree parking onsiteIf you would like to join our award-winning team and you believe that this is the ideal next role for you, we look forward to receiving your application.Job Types: Full-time, Part-time

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