Sous Chef

Rathsallagh House is looking for a Sous Chef to join its exciting team. Accommodation can be provided if required.The business model at Rathsallagh House is primarily event and private party driven.  Accordingly the hours are not those normally associated with Restaurant or Hotel kitchens where the days can be unpredictable and long and you are not getting home until midnight. Our Executive Head Chef can plan his rosters weeks in advance sure in the knowledge of exactly what lies ahead. There are no split shifts here and we close for Christmas.The Restaurant at Rathsallagh is open in the evenings to the public on average 25 to 35 days a year. We also open to the public for Sunday Lunch on average twice a month. These openings are strictly by reservation only and numbers are restricted. The idea being that we want a stress free and relaxed kitchen with no unpleasant surprises.So if you are tired of that commute to Dublin, if you have had enough of late nights and unpredictable demands on your talents and would like to work in an exciting and relaxed kitchen in the county side, less then 50 minutes from Dublin airport , then please do get in touch 

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