Sous Chef

Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, Part of Talbot Collection, is currently recruiting for full time Sous Chef to join the team.The Talbot Collection are one of the Best Places to Work in Hospitality 2024 as awarded by the Great Place to Work. Come experience it for yourself and join our team Main Duties:Supervision of kitchen staff in Head chef’s absence.Preparation and presentation of all food for designated areas.To assist the Head Chef in carrying out all HACCP controls as required under legislation and ensure all paperwork with regard to HACCP is completedTo maintain the high standards of cookery as laid down by the company.To assist the Head Chef in training, developing and motivating the kitchen teamCreate, update, and implement departmental SOPsTo assist the Head Chef with menu reviews and costing of the same.Assist the Head Chef in developing, training and coaching kitchen staff to the standards required by the kitchenDelegate duties and tasks to staff to meet objectives and maximize resourcesAssist the Head Chef in liaising with suppliers and sales representativesTo be aware of the day’s business in all Departments within the Hotel Assist the Head Chef in managing the ordering of suppliesEnsure high standards of health and safety are always maintained  The successful candidate must have:Previous experience in a similar position, preferably in a 4* hotel environment;Be HACCP trained and hygiene focused;Have a professional appearance & a positive work attitude;Ability to work as part of a team in a busy kitchen environment. Be flexible and available to work varying shifts, 5 out of 7 days, to include weekends.  What do we offer?One of the Best Places to Work in Hospitality 2024 as awarded by the Great Place WorkJoin a company and culture that put their team firstTraining and Development Opportunities - we invest in our peopleBeing part of a progressive & growing company.Contributory company pension scheme. (12 month service requirement);Company Life Insurance SchemeFree parkingComplimentary Talbot Fit MembershipStaff mealsFriends and Family Rates

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