Sous Chef

Midleton Park Hotel, part of the Talbot Collection are currently recruiting for an experienced Sous Chef. The Sous Chef will report directly to the Head Chef and will be responsible for managing the kitchen in the absence of the Head Chef. This is a great opportunity for a Sous Chef who wishes to work as part of a busy operation and with a hotel group committed to progression and opportunity.The Sous Chef will be required to work, full-time, 5/7 days per week, hours subject to business needs and business levels. The Sous Chef will be responsible for supporting the Head Chef and leading the kitchen team, ensuring the consistent delivery of high quality food in all food outlets to include: bar/bistro; restaurant; weddings, banqueting and conferences. Main Duties include :To oversee the management of the kitchen in the Head Chefs absence;To assist the Head Chef in managing the kitchen, as required, to include, people management, training & upskilling; ordering, stock takes, rostering etc.To ensure that high quality dishes are consistently prepared at all times, ensuring that no dish leaves the kitchen that is sub-standard;To be committed to quality at all times in a busy and large volume kitchen;To operate in a safe and responsible manner with recognised techniques;To ensure a high standard of personal hygiene;To operate machines and cooking equipment in a safe manner;To understand the provisions and maintenance of the kitchen service;To work as part of a busy kitchen team and overall as part of a professional hotel team. The successful candidate will have:2-3 years' experience in a senior position with responsibility for managing a team;Previous exposure to the management of; GP's, ordering, rostering and hygiene would be a distinct advantage;Banqueting experience is desirable;Have the ability to work well in a busy environment;Have a passion for quality and presentation;Be a team player and have excellent interpersonal skills;Be HACCP trained and demonstrate excellent hygiene practice;Have a professional appearance & work attitudeAbility to work as part of a team in a busy kitchen environment The successful Chef must be legally entitled to work variable shifts on a full-time basis in Ireland. What do we offer?Complimentary Leisure Club MembershipDiscounts in all Talbot Collection propertiesContributory Pension SchemeLife InsuranceEmployee Assistance ProgrammeBike to Work SchemeFree parking ***Midleton Park Hotel is an equal opportunities employer***

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