Clinical Specialist Sonographer - Womens Health Clinic

Job Title: Clinical Specialist SonographerDepartment: Womens Health ClinicJob Type: PermanentHours: 35 per week (Full-Time)Blackrock Clinic is the leading and longest established private hospital and clinic in Ireland. Since it opened in the mid-1980s, the clinic has consistently built an unparalleled reputation in new high-tech surgical procedures, medical treatments, and ground-breaking diagnostics. As a JCI accredited hospital, Blackrock Clinic is a progressive and pioneering hospital in which care for the patient is central to everything we do. Blackrock Clinic is now part of Blackrock Health private hospital group along with the Hermitage Clinic, Galway Clinic, and Limerick Clinic, some of the most advanced hospitals in Irish private healthcare.Blackrock Health is Ireland’s leading provider of private healthcare. A key pillar of our strategic plan is a commitment to further build on its excellence in healthcare for women at every stage of life.  Our planned new state-of-the-art Women’s Health Centre will combine a comprehensive range of services under one roof, in a prominent Dublin City Centre location. From expert consultations, diagnostic testing to specialized treatments, we will support women through their healthcare journey.Our clinic provides a pleasant, comfortable working environment and this role requires a highly specialised skilled set. The department provides a comprehensive range of diagnostic procedures delivered in state of the art facilities by a team of experienced professionals committed to excellence in clinical standards and patient care.Qualifications and RequirementsBSc. in Radiography or equivalent, with a minimum of 6 years’ experience in Ultrasound experience.MSc in Ultrasound.CORU Registration ROLE PURPOSEThis position is responsible for leading the Ultrasound service, ensuring the highest standards of patient care, and supporting continuous improvement in the women’s health clinic. The specialist will collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to optimise woman’s health services and advance research into the area.Ability to manage in a rapidly changing environment and willingness to undertake such additional duties as may be assigned from time to time are essential.Our clinic provides a pleasant, comfortable working environment and this role requires a highly specialised skilled set. The department provides a comprehensive range of diagnostic procedures delivered in state of the art facilities by a team of experienced professionals committed to excellence in clinical standards and patient care. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES1.        Role Responsibilities1.1         Perform high-quality ultrasound scans, adhere to clinical protocols and guidelines.1.2         Ensure a high standard of patient care is maintained.1.3         Allocate workload to facilitate efficient workflow and maintenance of service user throughput.1.4         Responsibility for daily / weekly QA of the ultrasound units.1.5         Report any malfunction of defects in equipment to the Radiology Services Manager or deputy.1.6         Support the Radiology Services Manager in the implementation of initiatives aimed at improving and developing the service.1.7         Comply with policies and procedures at Blackrock Clinic as regards Health & Safety, Infection Control, Disposal of Waste, Sharps, Accident and Incident Reporting, Complaints Procedure, Fire Policy and Evacuation.1.8         Cooperate and take part in the Blackrock Clinic Mission Statement in dealing with patients and other clinic staff members.1.9         Be familiar and comply with the Radiology Department Guidelines, Local Rules and Department Protocols. 1.10      Undertake, when necessary, administrative and clerical tasks to facilitate the smooth running of the department.2.     Management of Radiography Personnel2.1        Initiate the implementation of a staff development and individual performance review and foster a high level of morale by motivation and communication.2.2        Participate in the teaching, training and supervision of new staff members2.3        Maintain up to date knowledge of new developments and promote awareness of these amongst colleagues.2.4        Adhere to Human Resource policies as set out in The Blackrock Clinic Employee Manual. 3.     Communication3.1      Maintain patient confidentiality at all times.3.2      Self-directed with excellent interpersonal and communications skills.3.3      Proven successful people management skills along with an understanding of clinical governance.3.4      Excellent computer literacy       • Competitive salary, open to negotiation• Pension• Discounted café• Sports and Social club• Employee Assistance Programme Please Note:Job descriptions are a reflection of the present service requirements and may be subject to review and amendments to meet the changing needs of the service. Please note that we reserve the right to close this vacancy early if sufficient applications are received.Blackrock Clinic is an Equal Opportunities employer, and we are committed to creating an environment that promotes equality and dignity at work. Blackrock Clinic is committed to providing reasonable accommodation when needed. Please advise if you have particular requirements, so that we can look into arranging reasonable adjustments to the recruitment process. You can contact us at It is essential that you have valid work permission for the Republic of Ireland to take up employment for this position, or in the case of critical skills, you must be eligible for a work permit.

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