Sommelier for Michelin Star Restaurant

We have an excellent opportunity for an experienced Sommelier to be part of Glovers Alley by Andy McFadden, a Michelin Star restaurant on St Stephen’s Green, Dublin.This team is filled with passionate, highly motivated individuals striving to provide an exceptional fine dining experience for our customers.The successful candidate should possess a warm and genuine nature and have the desire to enhance every customer's experience.This is a fantastic opportunity for someone with Food & Beverage experience to progress their career. We nurture and develop our team to ensure that knowledge of food and wine is at an exceptional standard but an already keen interest in these areas is valuable.The Sommelier will assist in the day-to-day running of service while maintaining the core values of Glovers Alley: Energy, Passion, Drive and Focus.They will have a passion for what they do, with the ability to build rapport and good relationships with all parties concerned.Duties include:Assist the Head Sommelier with the sequence of service, in maintaining standards of service and SOPs, and provide direction to the Front of House team as necessary.Ensure customer and client expectations are exceeded and build a rapport with regular guests.Responsibility for opening or closing as necessary.Writing client proposals and keep all food, drinks and entertainment packages and menus up to date.Ensuring continuous communication with management, Front of House and Back of House teams.Identify business opportunities locally and develop a strategy with the management teamLiaise with social media teams, keeping events calendars up to date and curating content where necessary.To carry out any other reasonable task requested by a member of the management team.Maintain reports as requested.The ideal candidate will have:A minimum of 2 years experience in Food & Beverage is essential, ideally in a supervisory role.A positive attitude and engaging personality.Excellent spoken English and communication skills.A keen interest in food and wine.Impeccable grooming.The ability to work evenings and weekends.

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