Social Worker

Job Title: Social Worker Accountable: Chief of Clinical Services Hours: 35 hours per week Reports to: Senior Medical Social Worker Location: Blackrock Clinic, Dublin  ABOUT US                                 Blackrock Clinic is a top, leading Private Hospital in Ireland, offering the latest medical technology and patient care. Due to continued growth we are looking for a highly professional and Social Worker to join our team. ROLE PURPOSE The Social Worker is responsible for the provision of emotional and practical support to patients throughout the hospital QUALIFICATIONS National Qualification in Social Work (NQSW)Registered with CORU KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Service Delivery  The Social Worker will be expected to work throughout the hospital working on all of the hospitals’ wards as appropriate, working with patients, families and the MDT. The social worker will provide the social work service in the hospital by: Providing counselling, information and support as appropriate to hospital patients.Providing a social work service including assessment, support, counselling and discharge planningBe available to consult with members of the multidisciplinary teams in relation to the psychosocial aspects of patient care.Assisting with practical problems such as welfare problems, etc. referring to the appropriate agencies and advocating on behalf of client as neededAssessing a client’s support system in order to ensure that, upon discharge, clients have an appropriate level of support for their needs in their families and community.Ensuring the necessary liaison and co-operation with medical, nursing and other disciplines in the hospital and in consultation with them, to arrange for case conferences in appropriate cases.Co-operating with community and other health board services and other statutory bodies and appropriate voluntary bodies, agencies and individuals so that the current and after-care of patients is best catered for.Keeping accurate records of all social work interventions, including statistical data in relation to client work.Providing education as required in medical social work for other health professionals.Knowledgeable of IT systems: Windows and Office software. Professional Development Maintains relevant registration and continuing education requirements.Participates in consistent, reflective practice.Develops and implements an individualised plan for professional growth and development including participation in professional organisations and activities, workshops and staff development programs.Attends relevant conferences or congresses.Attends relevant multidisciplinary meetings. Communication Skills Update documents to observe physical and emotional symptoms and changesMaintain documents according to the policies and procedures of Blackrock ClinicReport relevant information verbally and in writing to appropriate nursing personnel.Communicate appropriate with colleagues and other members of the health care team.Recognise self-limitations and seek assistance.Attend and contribute in staff meetings and team briefing.Communicate in a manner that avoids antagonism, reduces conflict and prevents undue anxiety. Professional Expectations Support the Mission Statement of Blackrock Clinic.Observe appropriate lines of authority.Demonstrate flexibility by assisting in other areas of the hospital as required.Continue to develop personal knowledge and skills.Seek and take education opportunities in addition to those provided by the hospital.Participate in working groups to develop and promote quality care within Blackrock Clinic.Participate in the education of learners and assist with the orientation of new personnel.Present a professional appearance and is punctual.You must comply with all hospital policies in relation to Infection Prevention and Control. Every employee has a responsibility to know how to reduce infection in their role.  Please Note:-  This job description is a reflection of the present service requirements and may be subject to review and amendments to meet the changing needs of the service. Please note that we reserve the right to close this vacancy early if sufficient applications are received.  We will not contact unsuccessful applicants, therefore if you do not hear from us following the vacancy closing, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful. Furthermore, it is essential that you have valid work permission for the Republic of Ireland to take up employment for this position, or in the case of critical skills, you must be eligible for a work permit.

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