Social Care Workers, Listowel/Tralee, Co. Kerry.

We are currently recruiting for Social Care Workers to assist our team. We are recruiting for both Full-Time and Part-Time staff as vacancies have arisen due to the increasing needs of the service. St John of God Kerry Services provides a range of programmes and services for adults and children with an intellectual disability throughout the Kerry region. A person-centered approach to service delivery is promoted in accordance with the Organisations values and ethos and in keeping with its commitment to the continuing development of community based services. If you are looking for a new exciting challenge and share best practice, this exciting role might be of interest: Social Care Worker (Full-Time or Part-Time Contracts)Location: Listowel/Tralee Co. Kerry.  The successful candidate requires:Degree in Social Care and must be registered with CORU before November 2025Commitment to the development and delivery of a person-centered programmeExperience of Supporting people presenting with challenging behaviourFull Driving Licence would be desirable Please note that salaries are paid in line with HSE Consolidated Salary Scales. Interested candidates should apply by submitting their Curriculum Vitae explaining any gaps. St John of God Community Services CLG is an equal opportunities employer

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