Social Care Worker - Suzanne House - Children's Respite

Saint John of God Community Services Liffey Services supports individuals with intellectual disabilities to be active participants within the community. St John of God Liffey Services invites applications for Social Care Worker based in our Children's Respite Service, Suzanne House in Tallaght.Social Care Worker - Suzanne House - Children's RespiteSpecified Purpose Full TimeSuitable candidates must have:-HETAC/Dublin Institute of Technology National Diploma in Child Care/HETAC/Dublin Institute of Technology in Applied Social Care Studies/DIT. Diploma in Social Care/Diploma in Applied Social Studies/Social Care/Open Training College National Diploma in Applied Social Studies.-Other relevant third level social/healthcare qualification may be considered depending on your experience and correlation with National qualification requirements.-Have experience working with adults/children with an Intellectual Disability and must demonstrate an excellent understanding of the health, social and emotional needs of these individuals.-Commitment to deliver all aspects of care and support through a person centred approach.- Knowledge and understanding of HIQA Standards & other relevant legislative requirements.-Demonstrate a commitment to carry out duties with initiative, motivation and enthusiasm.-Commitment to deliver all aspects of care and support through a person centred approach.-Show an excellent understanding of meeting the health & social care needs of residents in a community based setting.-Up to date knowledge of best practice in the field of health and social care and an ability to implement this-Excellent communication skills both written non-verbal and verbal.-Flexible in all aspects of work.-An understanding of the values and ethos of the organisation and a commitment to implementing these.-An ability to support residents to achieve their full potential and independence in all aspects of their lives-Demonstrate a commitment to promoting the rights of people with disabilities.-Full clean manual driving licence and willingness to drive service vehicles as part of role is essential. IIf you believe you have the necessary enthusiasm, competencies and experience to bring to this role, please apply by forwarding a cover letter and CV (including written explanation for any gaps in employment through the following link:  (Please include the post reference number in the subject line of your application RESPIT078)Full job description available from the HR Department.                                           Informal enquiries to Respite Coordinator:                                                         Closing date: May 28th 2024 Please note that due to the high volume of applications we can only respond to candidates who have been shortlisted Saint John of God Community Services Clg is an equal opportunities employer.

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