Social Care Worker Special Care/High Support

SPECIAL CARE ARRANGEMENT/HIGH SUPPORT UNITS MCMA is a leading provider of staff to prominent Health and Social Care providers. We specialise in the provision of relief Social Care staff to Mainstream Services working with young people, High Support Services and Disability Residential Care Services. We pride ourselves in supporting our staff to work in interesting and challenging environments nationwide. Recruiting for:Social Care Workers allocated to Special Care Arrangements/High Support Units - associated allowances will be applicable.  What we can offer you: ·        Associated allowances attached to Special Care/High Support, will be applicable ·        Flexible scheduling that works around your availability – college commitments, family, work/life balance ·        Experience working with a diverse range of clients and service providers – exposure to different models of care and work environments ·        Individualised support provided to staff  Essential Requirement:· Social Care: Applied Social Care Studies Level 8  Candidates must have:· Current full clean driver’s licence (desirable)· Client focus, compassion and empathy are essential to the role· Team work as well as flexibility and the ability to work off one’s own initiative are vital 

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