Social Care Worker

We are currently recruiting for new positions to meet the increasing needs of people across the county. Saint John of God Kerry Services provides a range of programmes and services for adults and children with an intellectual disability throughout the Kerry region. A person-centered approach to service delivery is promoted in accordance with the Organisations values and ethos and in keeping with its commitment to the continuing development of community based services. If you are looking for a new exciting challenge and share best practice, this exciting role might be of interest. Applications are invited to apply for the position of Social Care Worker within our Services, supporting adults and children with an intellectual disability.(Full Time/Part Time hours available, Permanent/ Specified Purpose Contracts)The successful candidate requires:Diploma in Social Care/Diploma in Applied Social Studies/Social Care1- 2 years’ experience working with individuals with an Intellectual Disability (Desirable)Flexible and excellent communication skillsInitiative, motivation and enthusiasmCommitment to the development and delivery of a person-centered programme.Experience of supporting people presenting with challenging behaviour.Must have a full clean driver’s licence for a manual vehicle, D licence would be an advantage.Please note that salaries are paid in line with HSE Consolidated Salary Scales. Interviewing Immediately. Applicants may be shortlisted based on the information supplied in the Curriculum Vitae.A panel may be formed from this campaign from which further vacancies which may arise during the lifetime of the panel will be filled. Saint John of God Community Services CLG is an equal opportunities employer

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