Social Care Worker - Dublin

Job descriptionAttuned Programmes Irelandwww.attunedprogrammes.ieSocial Care WorkerDublin, IrelandAttuned Programmes Ireland is an organization responding to meet the needs of children and their families through community-based family supports and services and we are currently recruiting for Social Care Worker positions to join our teams providing Family Support Services.We are currently recruiting for Full-time, Part-time and Ad-hoc Social Care Worker positions for our services in Dublin. Our aim is to support and meet individuals where they are at, and to identify and navigate towards positive outcomes in a safe and respectful manner.General Job DescriptionThe successful candidates will be dedicated and highly motivated; they will already possess high levels of competence and will be able to demonstrate this through their qualification and some experience in meeting regulatory requirements, best practice standards and ultimately an understanding of the varied needs of each individual.RequirementsCandidates for the Social Care Support Worker Must have a minimum QQI LEVEL 7 qualification in Health Care OR Social Care  relevant equivalency.Proficient communication skills, IT skills, report writing and planning skills.This post is subject to Garda clearance.A full driving licence is essential.Candidates must also have a deep commitment to each individuals’ rights.Benefits· High quality Training programme· Eligible to apply education fund for continued professional development· Continuous management and in field support.Job Types: Permanent , Full -time, Part-Time , Ad-HocSalary: Competitive

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