Social Care Worker - Day Services - Meath

SOCIAL CARE WORKER - DAY SERVICES - NAVAN, CO. MEATHContract Type: Full Time - Specified Purpose and PermanentSalary Scale:  In Line with Section 39 salary scales - Depending on Contractual Hours and ExperienceDue to continuous growth and expansion, Prosper Meath have upcoming exciting opportunities in our Day Services in Navan, Co. Meath. We are looking for qualified Social Care Workers to join our highly skilled and responsive staff teams across Meath.  The successful candidates will have a strong person-centered vision and will play a critical key role in facilitating and supporting individuals in our Day Services while upholding our core values of providing respectful, progressive, professional, and positive services.The successful candidates will be enthusiastic, flexible, innovative and will have a high level of problem-solving skills. They will be committed to providing a quality service that empowers the individuals we support to live a meaningful life.  Applicants must possess the following:• QQI Level 7 / 8 Bachelor Degree in Social Care related qualifications or equivalent - example: Psychology• Registered with or eligible to register with CORU by November 2025. • Fluent in English with excellent verbal and written communion skills.• Strong IT skills and Proficient in Microsoft Word. • Full, clean manual driving license (This is an essential requirement for some of our services)• Prior experience of working in disability services is desirable.  • Knowledge of New Directions Services & Supports for adults with disabilities would be advantageous.What we offer:• Generous Annual Leave (some fixed closures apply). • 1.5 Privilege Days. An additional privilege day after completion of 2 years’ service.  • Sick Pay Scheme• Pension/Life Cover• Employee Assistance Programme• Maternity Leave Allowance (After 12 months service)• Work – Life Balance  • Excellent Training / CPD• Cycle to Work• Career Progression Opportunities• Superb facilitiesProsper is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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