Social Care Worker - Dublin

Daffodil Care Services are currently recruiting for Social Care Workers for their Mainstream Services based in Dublin! At Daffodil Care Services, we promote the professional and personal development of each team member. With a clear focus on our ethos and therapeutic approach, we provide for significant investment in our people, who in turn through their professionalism and commitment greatly enhance the experience and outcomes for our service users. Employment benefitsAttractive salary with incremental scaleIndividual and Family Health Care SchemeComplimentary core professional training supplied & paid allowance Significant career progression opportunitiesRegular Team building and staff away daysLife CoverContinued professional development educational grants available to teams and individual staffAll professional training offered by Social Care Training Ireland paid by the companyMaternity BenefitEssential qualifications:Degree in Social Care, Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, Youth and Community Work, Social Work, Social Sciences, Teaching & NursingFull clean drivers license.Desirable ExperienceExperience working with vulnerable young peopleExperience working within a residential & team environmentExperience working with youths and families in the community

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