Social Care worker

SOCIAL CARE WORKER – MAINSTREAM RESIDENTIAL SERVICES UNDER 13 Daffodil Care Services offers an extensive nationwide network of mainstream residential services. Our mainstream residential service based in Kells, Co Meath is a dedicated service supporting young children under 13 years and we are seeking to employ a creative and multidisciplined Social Care Professional to support the young children in this service to reach their full potential, support their ongoing development and to provide enhanced childhood experience as well as life-long learning in a structured and fun environment.As a Social Care Worker and working as part of a team you will be responsible for providing a safe and caring home, orchestrating the young person’s daily routine in school and community as well as supporting individualised programmes of care based on the needs, delivered through day-to-day shared life experiences within the residential setting. The successful candidate will possess: Minimum Level 7 degree in Early Childhood Education/Studies, Teaching, Social Care, Applied Social Science, Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy, Teaching, Nursing, Youth & Community Work or PsychologyAdditional qualifications or experience with creative therapies e.g Play Therapy, Art Therapy may be considered.Experience working with young children in a residential or community settingFull clean drivers licence

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