Social Care Manager - Howth

Prosper Group has been a leader in providing high-quality, person-centred, community-based services to adults with intellectual disabilities and autism for over 40 years. We support over 500 people across North County Dublin and County Meath. Join our wonderful team and provide support to adults with intellectual disabilities in North Dublin, helping them to reaching their full potential and connect with their communities. Position: Social Care ManagerLocation: Howth, Dublin 13Hours: 39 hours per weekContract: PermanentSalary: €48,209 to €56,299 per annum (commensurate with experience)About the Role:We currently have an exciting opportunity for a Social Care Manager for our Howth Day Service. As the Social Care Manager, your primary role will involve the oversight of day-to-day operations and management of the Howth Day Service. Collaborating closely with the Area Manager, your responsibility is to ensure the delivery of exceptionally high-quality services. The Social Care Manager must ensure that the service aligns with the HSE New Directions Policy, adhering to the organisation's guidelines and standards.Essential Requirements:Candidates must possess a third-level qualification in one of the following fields: Social Care, Education and Training, Intellectual Disability Nursing, Allied Health Professions, or a related discipline.A minimum of two years of relevant post-qualification experience in Social Care Services.Demonstrated experience in assuming additional responsibilities, coordinating projects, and managing assigned tasks within your current role.A valid and clean Manual Driving Licence.What We Offer:Generous Annual LeaveSick Pay SchemePensionMaternity Leave Allowance* (subject to service length)Career Progression OpportunitiesTraining/Continuing Professional DevelopmentExcellent facilitiesWork-Life BalanceEmployee Assistance Program (EAP)Bike to Work SchemeIf you possess the qualifications and experience outlined above, along with a full, clean manual driving licence, and are eager to work within an environment that upholds the highest standards, we would love to hear from you. Join our team and make a meaningful impact on the lives of those we support.Prosper Fingal is an Equal Opportunities Employer

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