Social Care Leader/Clinical Nurse Manager 1

Saint John of God Community Services Liffey Services supports individuals with intellectual disabilities to be active participants within the community that they live. St John of God Liffey Services invites applications for the position of Social Care Leader/Clinical Nurse Manager 1/PIC based in the North Kildare area to provide support to individuals with an intellectual disability within our Residential and Community Residential Services. Social Care Leader or CNM1- Specified Purpose Contract -18 Month Contract Requirements:One of the following qualificationsDIT Diploma in Social Care/Diploma in Applied Social Studies/Social CareOpen Training College National Diploma in Applied Social Studies (Disability) where applicable.Be eligible to register with CORU where applicable. R.N.I.D qualification or other relevant qualification. A qualification in Management and Supervisory experience is essential.·        A minimum of 3 years’ experience in a supervisory/leader role in health/social care and Strong clinical, managerial, and administrative skills evident in previous roles·        Management qualification or the ability to demonstrate that a management module has formed part of qualifications/studies in order to be PIC of the designated centre·        Be registered on the live register as maintained by Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) where applicable.·        Minimum three years full time paid experience working with people with intellectual disability.·        Willing to work a shift pattern over seven days and show flexibility.·        Will be required to be Person in Charge of the designated centre·        Assist in data collection and the preparation of monthly and quarterly reports as required. ·        A person-centred approach to supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities who have complex needs.·        A knowledge of the Regulations, HIQA standards and outcomes for disability services and the implantation of these in a designated centre·        The ability to lead a staff team by example, promoting best practice within the centre.·        Ability to develop plans, schedules and goals for individuals in line with HIQA, the regulations and organisational policies and procedures and oversee and support colleagues within their allocated team.·        Ability to work effectively with supervisors and colleagues and complete all administrative duties associated with the role.·        Acceptable standard of IT skills is required to complete reports, timesheets, spreadsheets, and other documents.·        A commitment to delivering positive behaviour support in association with the MDT and colleagues/managers and maximising individual’s skills and opportunities.·        Clean Full manual driving license and own transport essential Interested candidates should apply only by using this link: will be short-listed on the information supplied in the Curriculum Vitae and a panel may be formed from which future vacancies will be filled. Full Job Description available from the HR DepartmentClosing date: 1st November 2024By applying to this position, you are giving Saint John of God Community Services Clg. consent to have your personal data retained for the purpose of this competition only. Please note only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.  Saint John of God Community Services Clg is an equal opportunity employer

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