Social Care Leader Mitchelstown

Daffodil Care Services, one of Ireland's leading social care providers are currently recruiting for a Social Care Leader to join their Mallow based Mainstream services.An exciting new role has come available, we are now recruiting for a Social Care Leader for our Mainstream service based in WexfordDo you want to join one of Irelands leading social care providers, a company that will continually invest in you and your career?The successful applicant will work in close collaboration with the Centre Manager in creating and maintaining a warm, accepting and secure environment for the young people and to ensure the highest possible standards of care are maintained at all timesEmployment benefitsComplimentary core professional training supplied & paid allowanceSignificant career progression opportunitiesRegular Team building and staff away daysLife CoverContinued professional development educational grants available to teams and individual staff50% reduction on all professional training offered by Social Care Training IrelandMaternity benefitTraining provided and paid forDesirable QualificationsLevel 7 Degree in any of the following; Social Care, Applied Social Studies, Teaching, Nursing Psychology or other related field.Full clean drivers licenseThe successful candidate will possess;Minimum 3 years of experience working with young people at a Social Care gradeExperience working within a residential & team environmentProven track record of working on own initiativeWorking knowledge of issues facing young people leaving careCommitted to being positive & flexible with a passion for working with young adults

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