Hook Loader / Skip Truck Driver

Organisation Background & SustainabilityWe are a Galway-based, family-owned and managed company providing waste collection services across the domestic, commercial, industrial and building sectors. Our complete waste management service incorporates the collection and safe disposal of solid and liquid waste. The company employs over 80 team members and due to continued investment and expansion are now looking to recruit an experienced and professional Hook Loader / Skip Truck Driver to support our organisation.Key Responsibilities:Role involves driving both roll on/roll off and chain lift skip trucks.Role involves delivering and collecting skips too and from customers premises.Role involves driving various different types of trucks and full training will be given.Role involves using a smart phone app to complete your daily work.Role is a demanding and a fast paced environment.Applicant:Applicant must be reliable/ punctual and flexible in their approach to work.Applicant must have full C Licence, Tachograph card and CPC card.Applicant must have a proven track record of being a safe and responsible driver.Applicant must be able to work on own initiative along with liaising with our office staffBenefits:Opportunities for career advancement.Free Parking.Employee Referral Bonus Scheme.Social Events – Christmas, Summer BBQ, Sports.Discounted rates on skip hire.Increase Annual Bonus based on length of service.Increase Annual Leave based on length of service.The company has ambitious sustainability 2030 targets that are based on existing technology and realistic deployment. This deliverable strategy builds the foundations for the next phase of our long-term ambition of reaching net-zero emissions across our direct operations by no later than 2050.Highlights include:·         50% reduction in CO2 emissions.·          20% increase in collection route efficiency.·          All cars and vans to be Electric Vehicles.·          Plant 50,000 trees to offset CO2 produced as a result of operations.·          Buy 100% renewable electricity.·          Develop our renewable energy capability (solar panels on roofs of offices).We are looking forward hearing from you, apply today.

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