Skin & Beauty Therapist part/time

The Gleneagle Hotel certified as a Great Place to Work, is seeking a Beauty Therapist to join our expanding team on a part time basis. Our SkinBeauty Day Spa is open from Tuesday to Saturday. SkinBeauty Day Spa offers a range of results-driven face, body and beauty treatments. We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated beauty therapist to join our team. The ideal candidate will have a passion for providing high-quality treatments and exceptional customer service. You will be joining a positive and supportive environment with opportunities to grow and improve your skills as a beauty therapist.The successful candidate will have at least 1 years of experience with CIBTAC, ITEC, CIDESCO or equivalent qualification, a flair for all things Skin & Beauty and be enthusiastic about providing exceptional guest care. Mentoring and coaching support available.Excellent remuneration package on offer including generous retail incentive. The role and responsibilities will include:Excellent knowledge and ability to perform day spa treatments for our customers such as makeup, spray tanning, waxing, tinting, manicures, pedicures and gel polish treatments as well as facials and massages.Be passionate about skin care with the ability to provide excellent client skin analysis and guide home care recommendationsSuggest and promote retail products or additional servicesUphold hygiene standards, spa presentation and follow health and safety regulationsRequirements:At least 1 years of experience with CIBTAC, ITEC, CIDESCO or equivalent qualificationExperience with brands such as Medik8 and O.P.I desirableBe an all-rounder and offer treatments to the highest standardOur offer to you:·        Year-round employment·        Employee referral bonus·        Complimentary bus to and from town centre·        Free onsite car parking·        Free meals, tea & coffee on duty·        Uniform provided·        Equal opportunity for training and career development with the Gleneagle Group·        Free use of gym, 25m swimming pool, jacuzzi, steam room, sauna, squash courts, tennis courts, pitch & putt ·        Discounted leisure club membership for family members·        Special rates for family and friends in our hotels and self-catering properties·        Discounted dining rates for family for special occasions ·        Employee of the Month·        Annual Employee Awards Event·        Annual staff party and children’s party·        Staff discount on gifts in our hotel shop·        2-night stay for two people in a hotel of your choice after 12 months service·        Discounted tickets for specific INEC or hotel entertainment events ·        Access to trained mental health first aiders·        Employee social events calendar·        Employee wellbeing events 

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