Site Support Technician (Limerick) - Evening Shift

Site Support Technician, Clinical TrialsVitalograph – Onsite role - Limerick Benefits:Company contributed pensionPrivate Health InsuranceEducational assistance programmeDevelopment & progression opportunitiesShift allowanceVitalograph is a leading manufacturer of medical respiratory diagnostic devices and software, used in the diagnosis of respiratory disorders, and advanced high-reliability equipment and software systems used in respiratory end-point clinical drug trials. We have designed, developed and manufactured respiratory diagnostic devices, software, and consumables for healthcare professionals, for 60 years. Headquartered in the UK, Vitalograph has operations in Ireland, Germany, and the USA. Are you a tech-savvy problem solver with a passion for ensuring excellent customer service? We are seeking a ‘Site Support Technician’ to join our team and provide essential support to our global customers. You’ll play a crucial role resolving and troubleshooting IT issues. When Site Support activities are not required you will assist in the processing of data from company medical devices and the setting up of medical devices for clinical trials. Evening shift pattern available: Evening Roster - Monday – Thursday: 13:30- 22:00, Friday: 13:30 – 20:50 Responsibilities as a Site Support Technician:Provide site support in a timely fashion in relation to the use of Vitalograph devices and systems.Take ownership of investigation and resolution of issues/queries that may arise.Log & update queries/issues on internal ticketing service.Collaborate with other departments to provide solutions when required.Update logs & trackers based on routine activity.Assist with external user access for systems and services.Assisting in the creation and review of work instructions for the resolution of issues that may arise.Co-ordinate with other team disciplines to ensure team & company targets are met.Assist in the creation and review of work instructions for the resolution of issues that may arise.Analysis of data from company medical devices.Set up of devices for clinical trials.Requirements as a Site Support Technician:Effective written and verbal communication skillsGood IT skills – including use of MS Office or equivalent (excel/word/outlook)Competent person, capable of working under their own initiative with minimal supervision and a good team playerAttention to detail with capability for high levels of focus and concentration for long periods.Customer Service experience via email and phone.Understanding of issue management and root cause analysisPrevious experience in a remote technical support roleKey competencies:Must be highly motivated and have a strong desire to succeedOutstanding organisational and time-management skillsSelf-disciplined, organised and can take ownership and responsibility for business objectivesAbility to positively influence thinking, behaviour, and gain commitmentExceptional ability to leverage/collaborate effectively with internal stakeholdersExcellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills ***Please note The Company will not be entering into a visa sponsorship arrangement for this role***

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