Site General Manager

Location:- Dublin 22We are looking for a Site General Manager who will oversee the daily operations and strategic direction of one of Primeline’s business units; responsible for managing colleagues, budgets, policies, processes and customer relationships and be proactive in identifying areas for improvement.Integral to this role is a steadfast commitment to Health & Safety, coupled with a keen emphasis on Emotional Intelligence, and a proactive dedication to Sustainability and Environmental stewardship.What will your day to day look like?·      Engage regularly with new and existing customers.·      Recognize areas where KPI's can be improved upon to achieve best outcomes.·      Adeptly manage the P&L, employing keen pricing and costing strategies for both standard work and bespoke projects. ·      Navigate the intricacies of one-off project finances while ensuring profitability and cost efficiency across all endeavors.·      Work closely with Transport and Customer Services teams to develop service requirements on an on-going basis. ·      Drive and motivate teams to achieve the best results and ensure 100% accuracy for the customer.·      Respond and deal with escalated customer queries or complaints in a timely and efficient manner.·      Ensure full compliance of safety and quality processes and procedures to achieve positive audit inspections. ·      Manage/oversee that orders are accurately captured, from import through to dispatch to the customer.·  Identify order variance to forecast, assess the impact on total company stocks and take action to safeguard supply. ·      Ensure target lead times are met and will be reviewed on a regular basis.·      Attend weekly Ops Management team meetings to improve business and ensure cost effectiveness. ·      Plan seasonal and other changes as required.·      Measure and report account performance versus KPI's and will manage the agency budget and labour management costs.·      Ensure regular stock takes to be completed and all issues actioned.·  Monitor POD performance and review weekly with CS managers/site managers. ·      Ensure that customer invoicing is processed in a timely manner.·      Develop, lead, motivate and encourage colleagues to allow for the succession and development of the business. ·      Ensure all team members have performance reviews and ensure objectives are met and feedback is given. You will Gain the hearts and minds of others to get things done through our values and people vision. What skills do you need for this role?Operational LeadershipTelecoms, FMCG and white goods experience, hugely advantageousCustomer Centric·  Demonstrate resilience and strive to achieve the best possible results through determination, energy, and commitment. ·  Create an environment in which you self and others are motivated to learn and grow.·  Maximise your own contribution to the business to deliver value to the units and customers at every opportunity. You will always behave in ways which are consistent with our values.·  Analytical thinker, problem solver and carry out this in a timely manner.·  Support and challenge individuals to achieve their full potential. ·  Set clear and achievable objectives and measure against them.·  Champion, support and deliver change to improve the business.·  Strong multitasker with the ability to prioritise conflicting deadlines. ·      Strong organisational and communication skills.·      Flexible and adaptable working style.·      Adaptable, manage people, control costs, and demonstrate a hands-on approach to ensure success. ·  5 years + senior operational management experience working within the area of FMCG /logistics warehousing. ·      Excellent communication skills.·      Advanced presentation and reporting skills.·      Advanced IT skills including MS Excel and similar warehouse management systems. ·      Degree in logistics, supply chain, inventory management an advantage.Who we are:We are the largest independent Irish provider of Logistics, and Sales and Marketing. Our company values represent all our combined views and feelings about who we are and our culture here at Primeline. Our values are Respect, Excellence, Courage, Teamwork and Results, and these values determine how we behave when doing our job, working with our teams and when dealing with our many customers and principles. Our business is diverse and well cultured, with over 35 different nationalities and 5 different generations working side by side each day.What we do:We move 1 million boxes per week, we have over 1.5 million square foot of warehousing and we employ 800 employees across the Primeline Group, from warehouse operatives, transport drivers, field sales representatives and many support roles based in our Head Office located in Ashbourne, Co Meath. Primeline is multifaceted, and we operate across many industries including FMCG, retail, pharmacy, media, automotive, print, ambient food and technology and we provide cutting edge supply chain solutions to companies operating in Ireland. We service over 4500 retailers and have a fleet of over 200 vehicles.Where are we going?We continue to develop our leadership teams to ensure that Primeline remains a place where people want to come and work every day, and a place where people can learn and strive towards their future goals. We will continue to create an environment where people can be at their best. Retaining our current customer blue-chip companies and multinational brands and growing new business by providing best brand execution which will be key to our success. We will build the best relationships and partnerships and will continue to drive a values-based, diverse culture that is fit for the future.

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