Site Engineer (Roadsurfacing)

Kilsaran Road Surfacing and Contracting offers unrivaled expertise in the supply and laying of superior quality bituminous road surfacing materials. Due to continued growth and development, we are now offering suitable candidates the opportunity to join our established team. This position is a full-time permanent post. The successful candidate will work alongside experienced colleagues until such time as they show an ability and appetite to progress their career to a more advanced site management role.Responsibilities:On site supervision of plant, labour, sub-contractors, materials, productivity, and progress.Liaison with the client’s site supervision staff.Maintenance of daily site records detailing labour and machinery on site.Site testing.Agreement of measures with the client and timely billing of works.Assist with monitoring the financial performance of projects.Maintain our commitment to all Health & Safety policies and practices. Skills Required:Third level qualification in Engineering or Construction an advantage. 2-5 years’ post graduate experience preferred but not essential.Good communication skills and an ability to work well within a team.Strong problem-solving skills.Strong initiative and ability to self-manage..What You Get:Kilsaran is an organization that believes that our people are our greatest strength, and our success is down to the dedication and enthusiasm of our team. As such, we have dedicated benefits structures to reward our team. The benefits on offer for this position are as follows:Competitive Base SalaryAnnual BonusDefined Contribution Pension SchemeVHI Healthcare ContributionCompany Vehicle, Laptop, MobileTwenty-one Days Annual LeaveAdditional Benefits:Kilsaran Roadsurfacing and Contracting believes in the growth and development of our employees and encourages and supports further education and training in this regard with the potential for career pathways towards more senior management positions.Annual Company Social EventsSick PayCycle to work schemeEmployee Assistance ProgrammePaid Maternity/Paternity LeaveHiring Process Upon Application:Telephone Screening2 round interview process (1st Round can be completed via MS Teams where necessary)

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