Site Engineer (Civil) - Celbridge

Priority Construction seek a Site Engineer with experience across all aspects of civils for a site in Celbridge.Responsibilities:Daily setting out and monitoring of the Contract works and Quality Assurance record keeping.Ensuring that all of the Works Requirements are undertaken in line with best practices and specified HSEQ initiatives.Maintaining on-going daily contact with the Project ManagerAssisting the Project Manager in compiling and updating the programme, risk assessment, method statements etc.Assisting the Project Manager in submitting valuations and recording all site activities.Assisting in the preparation and submittal of daily progress reportsSupervision of other directly employed and subcontractor personnel engaged in various elements of the construction project.Preparing and attending progress meetings with clients and/or representativesAssisting in managing all Health and Safety aspects of the projectThe ideal Site Engineer will have:3 plus years experience in the above listed civil engineeringRelevant Level 8 degree qualification in related field or equivalentWillingness to work at locations across IrelandExperience with site enabling works, road construction/overlays, landfill construction and concrete works (including retaining structures). Benefits:Exciting Projects: Engage with challenging and impactful projects that are shaping the future.Growth Opportunities: We are a CPD accredited employer with Engineers Ireland and committed to learning and development. We provide growth and career progression opportunities such as in-house and external mentoring, assistance with obtaining chartered engineer status and financial support for training courses in role-related fields.Inclusive Culture: We aim to create a workplace where everyone feels valued and empowered. We dedicate time throughout the working year to fostering team-building and co-operation, for example with company days out.Great Benefits: Competitive salaries, comprehensive pension scheme with company contributions, life assurance (death in service cover), employee assistance programme, company equipment (role-dependent) and more!Please only apply to this role if you are both currently based in and legally eligible to work in Ireland. Unfortunately we are not in a position to offer visa sponsorship for this role.Priority Construction is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from suitably qualified candidates from all sections of the community. If you require reasonable accommodation in completing this application, interviewing, or otherwise participating in the recruitment process, please let us know.#IJC 

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