Shunter Driver/Forklift Driver - Portarlington

Founded in Ireland in 2002, Fastway are Ireland’s leading independent delivery network, handling over 24 million parcels annually, as the delivery partner to over 7,000 Domestic and International clients. Offering a diverse portfolio of flexible delivery, returns, including label-less returns, click & collect, e-commerce, and logistic business solutions, nationwide, and internationally. Due to continued growth, Fastway is seeking full-time, positive individuals to join our dedicated operations team, in Portarlington. The successful candidates will be joining an experienced, skilled, and dedicated team who strive to provide excellent service to our clients, and parcel receivers alike. We are looking for individuals who have a passion for helping others, strong communication skills, and the ability to work well under pressure. If you are interested in a rewarding career in our operations, with ample opportunity for growth, and want to be a part of a dynamic and supportive team, then we encourage you to apply today. The job role of a shunter driver involves the following duties: Ensuring the safe movement of large vehicles and trailers around the siteAdhering to strict health and safety guidelinesCompleting safety assessmentsInspecting vehicles and trailersCoupling and uncoupling trailersSafely parking trailersManoeuvring laden and un-laden trailersEnsuring handover procedures are correctly implemented when passing goods on to other workers.  Qualifications, Knowledge, Skills & ExperiencePhysical strength and ability to lift heavy packagesManual Handling trainingExceptional interpersonal skillsValid Shunter licenceValid Counterbalance Forklift licence ExperienceOver 12 months experience on the job (as temp or FTE)Shunter experience essentialForklift experience essential Salary:€14.00 per hour Hours of Work:5 out of 7 days - afternoon shift Licence/Certification:Shunter LicenceCounterbalance Forklift Licence #FAST1

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