Shunter Driver

ABP Food Group is a food business that specialises in the supply and development, producing award-winning British and Irish beef and lamb products for retail, foodservice and wholesale.ABP Kingswinford is part of the ABP UK division within the ABP Food Group aiming to provide quality lamb to thousands of customers across the world.Here at ABP Kingswinford, located in the West Midlands (DY6 7JS), we are currently recruiting for a Shunter Driver. Reporting to the Planning Manager working Monday to Friday, hours are variable due to production.Your duties will include but are not limited to; movement of 45ft trailers from site to site, cleaning trailers prior to loading, loading hooks onto trailers, shunting trailers onto loading bay`s, maintaining (prestart checks) and cleaning of Tug, securing and checking loads before expediting.You will also ensure that work is completed to production deadlines and in accordance with food safety regulations and any other legislation in force and relevant at the time, whilst adhering to and upholding all health and safety guidelines and working in accordance with food hygiene regulations and Company policies and procedures.This role requires flexibility and a willingness to work additional hours when required to meet customer demand in the preparation of a fresh product.Main Duties and ResponsibilitiesVehicle inspection and general maintenance - Checking fluids, Tyres, airlines etc, cleaning vehicle when necessaryShunting trailers across both sites, utilizing your time effectively and ensuring trailers are on bays to meet demands.Yard managementChampioning health and safety cultures.Recording and monitoring trailer temperaturesMaintaining a high level of yard securityMaintaining a high level of cleanlinessRole flexibility in line with the needs of the businessKnowledge and ExperienceValid Category C+E driving licence or shunters licenceA hardworking and dedicated approach to workGood communicationAbility to work on own initiative whilst working as part of a team, striving to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction

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