SHO Cardiology

Job Title: Senior House Officer Department: CardiologyReports to: Clinically and professionally responsible to the attending Consultant / Chief Resident. Administratively accountable to the Medical Administration Manager Date: 2024  Overall Purpose of JobBeacon Hospital will provide exceptional patient care in an environment where quality, respect, caring and compassion are at the centre of all we do.To provide quality care to all patients at all times. The fundamental philosophy guiding this position is to promote and preserve the Beacon Hospital Mission and Values while adhering to the Hospital’s health and safety regulations.Key Responsibilities and Deliverables§ Follow the Hospital admissions process by documenting History and Physical examination on Meditech.§ Assess/review and document findings for patients as requested by the attending Consultant and/or Nursing Staff.§ Provide Clinical Cover for procedures undertaken in departments, e.g. Cardiology Stress Test and Radiology IVP Injections. § Order investigations, including radiology, blood tests, function tests, etc. as required by management plan, i.e. as directed by Consultant.§ Prescribe medications for patients as required i.e. as directed by Consultant.§ Participate in ward rounds.  § Complete the discharge process with an electronic discharge letter.§ To assist in the education of colleagues, medical students and staff.§ Respond to any adverse occurrences e.g. injuries, falls, sudden illnesses etc, suffered by patients, visitors or staff.§ Contribute to quality improvement and risk management initiatives wherever possible.§ Adhere to hospital policies and procedures, e.g. blood guidelines, infection control.§ Comply with Health and Safety Regulations, ensuring safe working practices and a safe working environment.§ Undertake any other duties that may reasonably be required.§ Demonstrate importance of evidence-based practice and clinical effectiveness. Education and Training: Beacon Hospital is a UCD affiliate Teaching Hospital. § To assist in the education and training of students attending clinical placement. § To provide, when possible, tutorials to students on his/her rotation speciality.§ To encourage and engage with, students to attend ward rounds and MDTS in their relevant speciality.§ To facilitate students observing his/her practice as required by the Beacon Hospital Academy.§ To support the School of Medicine Clinical Tutors by identifying patients suitable for student assessment.§ To support Interns who are on three-month rotations with the hospital.§ To regularly meet with the speciality specific intern and address the interns learning needs.§ To act as a mentor to the intern and guide the intern in terms of professional development appropriate for their stage of training.§ To support other NCHDs in the hospital by participating in NCHD teaching sessions.Qualifications§ Medical degree, MBBS or equivalent.§ Current relevant Irish Medical Council Registration.Eligibility§ Must have the appropriate employment permit to work in a private Hospital setting. Experience § Experience in an acute Hospital setting.Job Specific Competencies and Knowledge§ Current ACLS certification required. Personal Competencies§ Demonstrate the importance of evidenced based practice and clinical effectiveness. § Proven ability to work as an effective team member.§ Ability to communicate effectively.§ All posts in Beacon Hospital require a high level of flexibility to ensure the delivery of an effective and efficient service.  Therefore, the post holder will be required to demonstrate flexibility as and when required by their manager or hospital management.  This job description is intended to be an outline of the areas of responsibility and deliverables at the time of its writing.  As the Hospital and the post holder develop, this job description may be subject to review in light of the changing needs of the Hospital.

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