Shipping Administrator, Westport

Aran Woollen Mills is looking to recruit a Shipping Administrator for their Head Office in Westport, Co Mayo. Aran Woollen Mills is Irelands largest home-based knitwear manufacturer offering the very best in both traditional and contemporary knitwear ranges and complementary products. Located on Irelands wild Atlantic coast we are truly inspired by our unique environment, we draw inspiration from our surroundings into every design to produce products that reflect the rich history of this enchanting part of the world. Working as part of the of Customer Service/Sales office team the successful candidate will have strong organisational skills, good attention to detail and enjoy working in a challenging and fast paced environment. The successful candidate will be required to demonstrate the ability to work on their own initiative, and equally as part of the team to identify and resolve issues while working to tight deadlines. This role will report to the Sales & Marketing Manager. You would be part of team whose responsibilities include:-Ø Working closely with customers to ensure timely and cost effective shipping solutions;Ø Working with various shippers, negotiating best prices, and using their portals where relevant.Ø Co-ordinating with colleagues in our warehouse / dispatch and production departmentsØ Liaising with customs / customs brokersØ  Invoicing.Ø Other administration duties as may be required. Further Expected Knowledge & SkillsØ 3-5 years relevant experienceØ Organised with strong attention to detail and be able to prioritise tasks to meet deadlines.Ø A team player who will actively contribute to the overall smooth operations of the Department and Business, demonstrating the ability to support the team where relevant and appropriate. Ø Ensure all company information is kept confidential and not disclosed to any outside sources and remains within the relevant departmentØ Always maintain a professional demeanour Ø Enjoy working in a challenging and fast paced environment. Ø Ability to work on their own initiative, to identify and resolve issues while working to tight deadlines.  Experience is required in Microsoft Office – Word, Excel. Excellent written and verbal communication is essential.  The role is based on a 39 hour week based in Lodge Road Westport, Co. Mayo.

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