Shift Lead Engineer

ABP UK is a major division of the ABP Food Group with factories in Ireland, UK and Europe, ABP`s commitment to excellence impacts on every aspect of its business. Our teams of experienced and reliable meat experts are passionate about building lasting partnerships in the European retail, manufacturing and food service sectors.Our customers are the major multiples and high profile caterers and require the best 365 days of the year. That means central packing and sophisticated distribution, a revolutionary supply chain in the industry which is being led and developed by ABP. Only well-resourced companies can compete for such business.We want the best people to work for us and we know that a supportive and friendly working environment plays a key role in attracting and retaining employees. We promote the sharing of knowledge and invest strongly in training and development.Shift Pattern: 4-on-4-off (2 days / 2 nights)Hours of Work: 06:00 - 18:00 / 18:00 - 06:00Bridge between Shift Manager and shift engineersPerforming Planned and reactive maintenanceSupporting on-shift engineersDeputise for the Shift Manager on holidays or absenceExpected to be the 'go-to' member of the teamKey responsibilities:You will be expected to supervise the workload of your team to meet the day to day engineering tasks and activities required to ensure line performance is at its maximum so that production OEE and downtime targets are met.To record and log all requests for maintenance and fault repairs from internal customersTo delegate and allocate specific jobs to trained and competent engineers on shiftTo communicate with the production Supervisor / representative who reported the fault and keep them informed of progress throughoutTo monitor and review the work carried out by engineers and ensure they perform effectivelyUnderstanding of the different product specifications required by the customer for products that are moulded or produced through any engineering machinery within the factory.Understand the set up requirements for each piece of machinery within the factoryUnderstand and apply the policy and procedures for health and safety for all pieces of machinery within the factoryUnderstand and apply through exemplary example, excellent food safety and personal hygiene within the factory at all timesEnsure all Shift Engineers carry out excellent health and safety, food safety and personal hygiene procedures at all times within the factoryReport any non-conformance of health and safety, food safety or personal hygiene to the Engineering ManagerSound understanding of the production plans and the set up requirements for the applicable machine.To proactively manage through scheduled work plans, the shift engineers to ensure all machinery has received the correct start up checks, and has the correct stores, sleeves, trays, ink etc relevant to the production plansRegular scheduled maintenanceLiaising with other departments such as HR, training, QA and Health & Safety to ensure that employee and product issues are dealt with correctly and efficiently. To carry out special projects as requested by the Engineering Manager.To ensure the site and the engineering team comply with all applicable engineering based legislation.To keep up to date and abreast with all engineering legislation and attend all relevant training courses.To attend all group health and safety / engineering meetings and contribute accordingly.Understanding departmental constraints and using own initiative to take corrective action where necessary. To ensure the site and the engineering team comply with all applicable engineering based legislation.To keep up to date and abreast with all engineering legislation and attend all relevant training courses.To attend all group health and safety / engineering meetings and contribute accordingly.Understanding departmental constraints and using own initiative to take corrective action where necessary.To effectively manage and monitor your team, assessing individual and group performance and efficiencies. To compile and submit all reports required to the Engineering Manager such as breakdown reports, lost time downtime reports, completion of daily and shift task reports, time sheets, cost justification for all external contractors and any other reports necessary and on request. Responsible for the training and development of Shift Engineers to meet with the demands of the business ensuring that high quality and service levels are maintained, profitability and productivity is increased and waste / cost is minimised.Regularly monitor and evaluate current systems and procedures, identifying areas for improvement and make recommendations for change.To manage / maintain / monitor and improve upon the Key Performance Indicators and standards expected. To produce/assess/monitor reports required by other management and departments.Managing / assessing and monitoring departmental manning levels, using initiative to take the appropriate action for necessary change.Managing and addressing issues pertaining to absenteeism / sickness / holidays and clocking’s, using discretion and appropriate action, adhering to company polices and procedures.It is your responsibility as a member of the ABP Doncaster team to ensure that you fully understand, comply and adhere to all Health & Safety and Food Hygiene procedures at all timesTo perform any other tasks and duties as requested by your Supervisor/ ManagerWillingness and flexibility to perform other tasks and duties that are not ‘usually’ performed day to day, required for business reasonsConsider working reasonable overtime as requested by your Supervisor/ ManagerAttend training courses that are relevant and appropriate to your tasks and duties, as requested by your Supervisor/ Manager Previous Experience:Experience in FMCGExperience of completing projects within a manufacturing environment.ILM level 3 Leadership and Management IOSH.Familiarity with modern maintenance and manufacturing methodologies inc. PPM/TPM.Competent in problem solving and working as a member of a team. Pirana and Lean Driver Conversant. Personal specification:Apprentice or NVQ 3 in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering.Lean Manufacturing Yellow Belt.A clear and strong idea of how to drive continuous improvement across the factory.Must be proactive to complete scheduled work plans, start-up checks etc. in a timely manner.Ability to challenge others in a professional and constructive manner. Excellent communication skills.Organisation skills with a clean as you go approach.Safety first awareness.Resilient and effective execution.Working with colleagues to do what's best for the company.

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