Service Operative

Purpose:The primary purpose of the Services Operative role is to provide servicing and Logistics support to the field operational teams. The role reports into the Senior Procurement and Services Manager.About Us: Grosvenor is more than a workplace; it's a collaborative space for passionate and creative individuals to unite, grow, enjoy, and make a meaningful impact. With a rich history of over 60 years, we've consistently provided top-notch facilities management solutions aligned with our core values: We Care, We Go Beyond, and We Add Value.Putting our people at the forefront, recognizing them as our greatest asset, we prioritize commitment and openness to deliver exceptional experiences for our incredible teams and clients. Through dedicated efforts in representation, recruitment, engagement, culture, accountability, safety, and education, we are committed to fostering an environment where everyone can thrive and develop.Join us at Grosvenor Services in our journey, where innovation meets dedication, and contribute to creating exceptional spaces and experiences!Principal Duties-       To work within the service department team which is the internal support function to the cleaning service field operations-       Provide servicing tasks to contractors and providers as assigned by the departmental line manager-       Service, repair and maintain all equipment and machinery both internally and externally on customer sites-       Assist with providing support services as directed for the mobilisation or demobilisation of customer service contracts-       Ensure that equipment and supplies are prepared and delivered for all mobilisations of new and existing contracts-       Remove all Grosvenor property from sites that are being demobilised-       Complete PAT testing of all equipment both in house and externally on client sites-       Complete any other relevant task as assigned by your Line ManagerRequirements and skills-       Relevant knowledge of repairing cleaning equipment                        -       At least one year’s experience in a similar role with proven results-       Multi-tasking and time-management skills, with the ability to prioritise tasks  -       Full driving licencePerson Profile·        Strong organisational skills and attention to detail.·        Strong communication abilities and a proactive approach.·        Ability to work under pressure and manage multiple priorities effectively.·        Collaborative with excellent interpersonal skills. 

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