Service Manager

Are you a Service Manager looking for a new challenge? Then this is the perfect role for you!Monasterevin Motors are now seeking a Service Manager to manage our Service Department. As the Service Manager, you will be supported to deliver key responsibilities such as achieving the Monasterevin Motor’s targets as well as the manufacturer’s standards and goals. You will be responsible for motivating the Service team to achieve the business goals and really make a difference. We are looking for a personable, flexible individual, who works well as part of a successful team. In addition, the candidate must be willing to learn the Toyota Way which is at the heart of all our day-to-day procedures. The Toyota Principles are 1. Customer First, 2. Respect for all people, 3. Continuous improvement using Kaizen and Lean 6 Sigma methodologies.Main Responsibilities/Accountabilities:·        Ensure the highest and most efficient standards for our customers. ·        Ensure dealer standards are maintained.·        Effective and profitable management of a busy Service Department.·        Ensuring key KPIs including customer satisfaction, utilisation and warranty are met at all times.·        Leading & managing the workshop team to ensure maximum efficiency & profitability·        Responsibility for maintaining and developing key client relationships.·        Driving sales, meeting targets and maintaining a sales culture.·        Collaboration with other departments to achieve common business goals.Required Skills and Experience·        3+ years’ experience in a service manager role ideally within the motor industry.·        Excellent people management & leadership capabilities.·        Maintaining exemplary customer relation.·        Excellent communication.·        Proven problem-solving experience.·        Organised and strcutured approach to work with proven ability to multi-task.·        Proactive approach to developing and maintaining systems and processes.Ideal Candidate:·        Customer 1st focus·        Familiar with the Kaizen approach to business·        Excellent organisational skills·        Team management experience·        Ability to work in fast paced environment·        Good interpersonal skillsReports to:    General Manager.                               Location:      Monasterevin Motors, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare

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