Service Desk Administrator

Quinn Downes Service & Maintenance (QDSM) is one of the leading Irish owned companies specialising in the provision of complete Hard Services Maintenance & Facility Supports. We operate under the Quinn Downes Group which was established in 1999. QDSM are recruiting for a Service Desk Administrator to join our team to support the service business, service engineers and our clients. The successful candidate will assist the Service Desk Team and Management in updating and closing out all work activities completed by the engineers through our service system. They will provide back-office support to the Directors, Managers, Service Team, Service Partners & Vendors. ResponsibilitiesLiaising with field engineers & subcontractors on a daily basis (phone & email).Editing the completed Work Reports submitted by the engineers.Check the times, hours, POs and Observations recorded by the engineers.Log the details of any Observations that shall require a quote.Attach relevant documents to their respective calls.Edit Work Reports sent in by the subcontractors and convert them to QDSM reports.Cost jobs after editing is complete and attach all relevant reports.Ops approve all works so that they are ready for invoicing.Ensure all engineers are logged onto the correct job in the correct form field every day and ensure that they log off correctly.  Desired Criteria5+ years experience in a similar role on a service desk.Strong PC skills including MS Outlook, MS Word, Excel & PDF converting.Excellent customer service skills.Experience in scheduling and purchasing.Strong organisational & communication skills.Flexible and can deal with change.Work under deadline pressures when required.Benefits:Competitive SalaryPerformance Related BonusFlexitimeRegular Staff OutingsDiscounted Gym MembershipEmployee Assistance ProgrammeWorking in a dynamic environment with exposure to different sectors & industries

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