Service Advisor - Jaguar and Land Rover

Do you want to work for a premium, luxury brand?Auto Boland Jaguar and Land Rover are currently seeking a customer focused, professional Service Advisor to join our fast-paced dealership here in Waterford. The candidate will be the primary point of contact for our customer's service requirements and the main liaison with the workshop team. Our Service Advisors Are Required To:Make customer bookings and plan customer arrival times, enter all details on car regarding customer details, billing, payment, and any special car details.Load the workshop accurately using agreed standard times and Kerridge System. Monitor progress in workshops to ensure promised delivery times are optimal.Present completed vehicle to customer personally, advising of future service or repair priorities and ensuring customer satisfaction with work conducted.Present invoices for payment providing explanation of charges and warranty/goodwill procedures where required.Have a clear and complete understanding of manufacturer’s requirements in the administration of day-to-day warranty and audit requirements.Maintain customer record files and repair order register daily to ensure accurate analysis of Aftersales Department activity. Our Service Advisors Are Required To Be:Experienced in a customer facing role.Capable of working in a faced-paced environment.Strong administrators and IT literate. Effective communicators and with excellent interpersonal skills.Team players.Highly organised with a keen attention to detail and high standards.  Our Service Advisors Will Receive:✔ Opportunity to work in one of Ireland’s largest motor groups while also building a network of professional contacts across our motor dealerships.✔ Competitive salary packages with bonus schemes.✔ Branded training with some of the world’s leading car manufacturers.✔ Excellent work/life balance working hours.✔ Annual reviews and frequent check ins to ensure continued growth and development.✔ Positive working culture where your ideas are heard through our open-door policy. ✔ Opportunity to work closely with premium, internationally recognised brands.  Does this sound like the right fit for you? Please send us your CV and Cover Letter today!

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