Senior Wireless Design Engineer

Job DescriptionWe are currently recruiting for a Senior Wireless Design Engineer for our bustling design team in either our Slough or Magor office. While the majority of our work is within the telecommunications sector, we would like the successful candidate to have a broad experience, be team players and have a proactive approach.The candidate will be joining an already very experienced team of talented individuals with expertise across multiple engineering disciplines.Reporting toProject Manager Role and ResponsibilitiesThe main responsibilities of the role will include:Implementing client and company design standards across the project teamLeadership of the project design teamLiaising with Project Manager to manage workflow and resource requirementsEnsure customers’ expectations are fulfilled & build confidence & trustInterrogate & continually improve project processes Keep abreast of technology advancesApply new technology in an innovative way to create new services and streamline delivery processes Mentor designers and identify training needsCollaborate with clients to enable them to maximise the value of their infrastructureCreating site designs for various site types (Greenfield, Rooftop, Co-Location)Quality control of drawingsAs a senior engineer you will be expected to manage the design team to ensure effective solutions are produced across a multitude of environments. We believe that these are exciting opportunities to join a dynamic company in the field of telecommunications and to help drive it forward. CompetenciesManaging a design teamClient focused attitude & excellent written and verbal communicationSelf-motivated, assertive and enthusiasticAbility to prioritise tasks & work to tight deadlinesProfessional, positive & organised problem-solving approachExcellent Microsoft office suite skills – Excel, Word, PowerPointIT Hardware Scoping and ManagementScripting & codingExcellent CAD skillsStructural experienceSteelwork, RC and Electrical detailingWireless solutions engineeringSite survey experienceQualifications3rd Level degree with focus on management or engineeringPMP or Prince 2 or Project Management P.G Dip or MastersEvidence of on-going professional developmentExperience10+ years in telecoms during network rollout phasesExcellent knowledge of Acquisition, Planning, Design, Build and Operations phasesExcellent written and spoken English requiredFull clean driving licenceSalary: Negotiable

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